Vintage News Clippings
Through the resources of Access Pennsylvania, a reader can wander though the news pages of over 100 years ago. And by searching for references to amateur bands, one can develop a sense of the role of musicians in those times.
It is a world without many options. For example, if you wanted music in practically any public forum, you needed a brass band. Nothing else had the power to provide music that could overwhelm the ambient noise of a crowd.
There were no recordings, no artificial ways of generating music, so a live band was the only alternative. So, for the political rally, the dance, the funeral or the parade; you needed to solicit the services of a band. Towns that didn't have a band to provide music at their community events were ashamed and embassassed at their lack of culture.
It is mind boggling just how many puny little towns and villages boasted of a brass band. It is amazing that the doings of the local bands were of such interest to the general public that they were duly recorded in the local press. And it is just plain fun, to enjoy their society, if briefly, through the recorded annals in the local paper.
Though there may be typos, I have tried to replicate the spelling in the original.
Spirit 6/3/1885
... The band has received fine new instruments and the music is much improved thereby.
Spirit 6/17/1885
The members of the Punxstawney Band will give a strawberry and ice cream festival in the in the skating rink on Friday and Saturday evenings. The band has recently purchased a complete set of new instruments and they have considerable money to raise yet before they are paid for. This festival should be well patronized. A good brass band is very essential in the community. Give the boys a lift.
[The Punxsutawney Band was a community band and would be alternately referred to as Punxsutawney Band, Punxsutawney Brass Band or Punxsutawney Silver Cornet Band]
Spirit 6/24/1885
The Baptist Sabbath School of this place will have a picnic in the grove near Kramer station next Wednesday. The Punxsutawney Band will accompany them. The train will leave here at the usual hour.
Spirit 7/1/1885
An excursion train will run from Falls Creek, DuBois and intermediate points. The Punxsutawney Silver Cornet Band with the new instruments will enliven the occasion with delightful music. Taken all in all it will be a holiday no man, woman or child can afford to miss. The band will play in front of the St. Elmo. Free bus to and from the St. Elmo Hotel the picnic grounds For full program see hand bills.
Spirit 7/15/1885
For several years past it has been customary for the Patrons of Husbandry of Jefferson county to hold an annual picnic, but this year they have concluded to vary the program somewhat and have arranged to have a grand banquet at the City Hotel, on Wednesday evening, August 19th. The moderate sum of $1 per couple will be charged. Mr. Esterline has kindly consented to give the use of his fine hall for the benefit of the young folks who wish to enjoy a social party in the evening. The Punxsutawney Band will furnish music for the occasion. A general invitation is extended to the Patrons of neighboring counties.
Spirit 7/22/1885
The Punxsutawney band discoursed some fine music on the public square on Saturday evening.
Spirit 8/12/1885
The old bass drum used by the Punxsutawney band is a veteran of the late war. It enlisted in the Thirtieth Indiana regiment in 1862 with Charles Trpipier , and its inspiring voice led the boys in blue to victory an Winchester on the 23d of March, 1862, when General Shields put Stonewall Jackson to route. After the cruel was was over Trippier brought the old drum to Punxsutawney, where it has been pounded and abused since 1867. The old drum is clearly entitled to a pension.
Spirit 9/2/1885
- Mr. Editor:- I went to see the great gathering in your peaceful little town on Saturday, and was happy to see so many persons enjoying themselves. Some at the feast, others watching the balloon ascension, while all were entertained by the neat and spirited address of Lawyer Fairman, which was appreciated by the Harvest Home seekers. No one could fail to appreciate the fine selections of music, many of which were rendered in a very creditable manner. I am not much of a critic, but I went to hear the music especially, expecting of the Brookville band something better and of higher order than our Punxsutawney band could perform. But in this I was disappointed - it was vice versa. The finest piece the Punsutawney boys played after leaving the hall was executed with thrilling effect. The blending harmony and the soft mellow tones made me feel as though I have been amply paid for my visit. Other selections were chosen for the occasion which had very fine parts in them, such as solos with the p. p. accompaniments were equally good. The Brookville band had some very fine pieces, some of which were very well executed. As a whole the Harvest Home was a success, a credit to Punxsutawney and vicinity - R.C.
The Brookville Band must imagine that the Punxsutawney people are fond of music. They entertained the sleepy inhabitant between one and two o'clock on Saturday morning.
Spirit 6/3/1886
About thirty miners from Reynoldsville, accompanied by a brass band, visited Walston last night.
A brass band from Reynoldsville was in town all day yesterday serenading everybody in general and nobody in particular. Although there were but six pieces, they made excellent music, and they were not a bit stingy with it either. They sent the shrill strains floating through the air in all directions, that whomsoever would might hear them. Although two of the boys played drums, none of them objected to taking a horn when invited to do so.
Spirit 6/28/1886
The arrangements are all completed for a glorious time here on Saturday, July 3. The Richmond brass band with thirteen pieces, the Marchand brass band with fourteen pieces and the Punxsutawney Cornet band with twelve pieces, have been engaged to furnish music. The Canoe Creek martial band with seventeen pieces will also be present. A platform 30x60 feet has been erected near town for dancing purposes. There will be a grand display of fireworks in the evening on the Public Square. Speeches will be made on the picnic grounds by Hon. Harry White and William Fairman, Esq., and all kinds of amusements and pastimes will be furnished, Altogether we hope to have the grandest celebration in the history of Punxsutanwey.
[I believe that martial band refers to a fife and drum corps]
Spirit 9/8/1886
The Punxsutawney band will hold a night cap party in the skating rink, Saturday evening, September 11, for the purpose of raising money for uniforms and teaching. All the young ladies and women are requested to make caps and bring them to the rink. Good music will be furnished for the occasion, and a general good time will be the result. Come everybody and give the boys a lift - PUNX'SY BAND
Spirit 6/29/1887
The children's day celebration of the Evangelical church, held at Ebenezer church, Sprankle's Mills, on the 25th last was a grand success. Over one thousand people were present. The brass band of Belllview and the home martial band dispensed music for the occasion.
Spirit 6/29/1892
The Punxsutawney cornet band was in attendance, and by the rendition of excellent music, added greatly to the pleasures of the day.
Spirit 7/13/1892
After congratulations the Mahaffey cornet band enlivened the audience with some fine music. A splendid lunch was then served.
Spirit 9/28/1892
The Punxstawney band is developing into a music making organization that will not need to take a back seat for any of them. It is now giving a series of free Saturday night concerts, during which every part of town will be visited. The band is furnishing the music for the Punxsutawney Fair and have prepared and practiced a very excellent program. The following selections will be rendered on Thursday: Overture, "Rival;" Polka, "Impulse;" Philomela," waltz; Overture, "Storm King:" "Gilmore's Triumphal March;" March, "The Last Sensation:' March, "Front Row;" Quick March, "Superior;" "Queen of the Ballroom," Scottisch: Overture, "Our Pride." Friday's program will include: Overture, "Borgia Domizette" and "Fast Mail:" "Loomis College lancers;" Overture, "Zethus;" Georgia Waltz,; the Accidental March, "The Giant;" Schottisch, "Eyes of Blue;" Overture "Zaleski;" Quick March, "Superior;" Musical director, John Dusch.
Spirit 10/26/1892
Punxsutawney Council, No. 395 O.U.A.M. , marched up to the States school house last Friday, Columbus Day, and presented a Bible and flag with appropriate services. There was a nice crowd present, and the occasion was a pleasant one. The Lindsey brass band accompanied the Council and discoursed patriotic music. John Frampton was there with his camera and caught the gathering on the wing.
Spirit 5/31/1893
The procession formed in front of the Public Square and marched to the cemetery. The Punxsutawney martial band was at the head of the procession and immediately in the rear marched the little flower girls, each dressed in white and then came the old soldiers, the wives and daughter of veterans, Sons of Veterans, O.U.A.M and Jr. O .U.A.M., in the order mentioned. The parade was a good one, and everything moved along nicely.
"The OUAM was founded in Philadelphia amidst the anti-alien riots of 1844-45. It originally was called the Union of Workers. It created an agenda specifically aimed at subverting immigrant prosperity in America. Members were required to undertake efforts to publicize and campaign against the hiring of cheap foreign labor. They were also to patronize only "American" businesses. It was essentially anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic. "
Spirit 8/2/1893
The Hotel Whitney was formally dedicated to the gods of meat and drink last Thursday evening. A large number of people from Altoona, Tyrone, DuBois and Reynoldsville, were present, besides many from this immediate locality. Reynoldsville had perhaps the largest delegation. The Reynoldsville brass band was here also, and besides assisting the Punxsutawney band to keep up a plentiful supply of music at the Hotel Whitney, it serenaded a number of our citizens, and the opinion was unanimous that Reynoldsville's band was a dandy. Landlord Shaffer had made extensive preparations, and gave the boys an elegant set-out. It is needless to remark that everybody enjoyed themselves with uproarious and hilarious joy.
[Serenades were an interesting activity of early bands. They would go to a person's home and give them a mini concert.]
The Marchand Brass Band, which was organized in 1879 and disbanded about five years ago, had a reunion at Marchand last Thursday. All the members were there exception Samuel Zener, who now resides in Pittsburg. The members preset were John, Jacob and William Zener, Ed. Peffer, Wilber C. Brown, Wm. Steffy, Frank Blose, Prof. Miles Blose, O. H. Rosborough, F.JH Moot and William Moot. The boys had their instruments with them, and from the manner in which they made the air blossom with melody, no one would suppose they had lost any of their old time skill in their manipulation. The band had more than a local reputation. It was known for miles around, and received many calls on great occasions when good music was wanted. A large number besides the band boys were present, and nice addresses were made by Hon. J. W. Morrow, Marshall Lytle and Rev. Allen. The ladies of Marchand gave the members of the band an ice cream supper, which was highly appreciated by them, after which they departed for Covode.
C.G. Matson, the whole-souled, genial proprietor of the Commercial, entertained the Reynoldsville Cornet Band Wednesday evening of last week. Ice cream, cake and other delicacies graced the board. The band discoursed music, such as only it can render, and all hands were happy. Mr. and Mrs. Matson know how to entertain and the Commercial is becoming more popular each day. Cad's friends are legion and he knows how to use them, so that they do not drift away.
Spirit 5/27/1896
Last Saturday evening the citizens of our village were serenaded by the Famous Daley Drum Corps, of Cool Spring. The band is composed of some of the finest musicians in the State, and they need not take a back seat for any one.
Spirit 9/15/1897
The sixth annual reunion of the Mechanics of Jefferson, Clearfield, and Elk counties, held at Big Run last Wednesday, was a success in every particular. The weather was beautiful and the arrangements perfect. The town was profusely decorated with flags and bunting. The parade which was the leading feature of the occasion moved at 2 o'clock and marched through the principal streets of the town. It was composed of Big Run Cornet Band, Punxsutawney, Mountain City, Luthersburg, Paradise and Limestone councils. Falls Creek band, DuBois, Brockwayville, Knoxdale, Ridge, Cool Spring, and Big Run councils with martial band and members of miscellaneous councils in the rear. The parade was headed by a school house on wheels, over which was a banner with the inscription, "Free schools must be maintained"
Spirit 5/4/1898
The Keystone band was out for the first on Thursday evening last.
The Perrysville Cornet Band, consisting of eighteen pieces, accompanied the Punxsutawney and Lindsey lodges to DuBois on Tuesday of last week, and gave an excellent satisfaction. The boys play remarkably well considering the time they have been organized. Dr. R.A.Miller is the leader.
Spirit 6/1/1898
The Boys' Band was out on Decoration Day and played all the patriotic airs in the books. With the assistance of Prof. Adams, Harvey Steel and Fred Warren, they made good music. The boys are learning rapidly. Most of them sleep with their horns and dream by note. If they keep up their enthusiasm for year or two they will make fine musicians, and Punxstawney will have a band of which to be proud.
Hose Company No1 and the Keystone Band held a joint meeting on Wednesday evening last and decided to celebrate the glorious Fourth in grand style.
The firemen and band boys will consider it a great favor, and appreciate it, if the several churches and societies will not hold any festivals or suppers on the Fourth of July. These two organizations are deserving , and should not be handicapped by any other organization on this occasion. Show the boys that you appreciate their efforts in your behalf, and give them entire control of the day's festivities.
Spirit 9/7/1898
The B.R. & P. railway employes, under the management of the DuBois car shops, will hold a picnic at Mariposa Park on Saturday, September 17. About eight hundred railroad men and their friends are expected to attend. An interesting program has been arranged for the day, and the famous Volunteer band will furnish music for the occasion. The fair from Punsutawney to Mariposa and return will be 70 cents. Persons desiring to attend may secure invitations by applying to Mr. A.B. White, of this place.
Spirit 8/31/1898
E.N. Werhle, Dr. J.A. Walter, Dr G.R. Harl, trustees of Punxsutawney Band, met in Municipal building last evening and elected the following officers: President. E. N. Werhle; Vice-president, D.A. Lowe; Secretary, Dr. G.R. Bell; Treasurer, McKean Harl; Librarian, Dr. J.A. Walter. The intention of the above trustees is to systematize the organization and work of a band in this town. The instruments, will be leased to the members of the band upon their signing the constitution and by-laws which have been adopted, and guaranteeing the safe return of the same.
No person will be admitted as a member who uses intoxicating liquors, or who does not, in every way , bear a good moral character.
The Jefferson County Medical Association met not in solemn conclave, but in joyous mood, in Frank's Park on Friday. The God's were propitious, the weather was not of the "hand me down" sort, but strictly tailor-made. The Reynoldsville Cornet Band was employed for the occasion, and when music arose with its voluptuous swell a hundred hearts beat happily. I did not hear the roll call, so am unable to state just who were present, but as the Star was represented by its able Editor, a list of the fraternity will no doubt appear in the next issue of that newsy journal. Our own, our very own, were all there, and I am authorized to state that they were not found loitering when the feast was spread.
Spirit 11/2/1898
What is the matter with the band stand? Gas lights were fixed up, a nice railing painted green, placed around it, and the band occupied it one evening - that's all.
The Republican mass meeting held here last night was one of the largest, most enthusiastic and successful ever held in this town. It was immense. The town was filled with people from the surrounding community early in the evening. The Perrysville and Punxsutawney brass bands, and a martial band furnished the music.
Spirit 6/28/1899
The Phillipsburg band was here and furnished some excellent music and conducted themselves in a gentlemanly manner, as did very person of the male persuasion.
July Fourth
$2000 in Prizes and Purses! $1000 for Fireworks!
At Punxsutawney
On the New Fair Grounds
Admission to the Entire Performance 25 cents
9:00A.M. Prize Fantastic and Industrial Parade of the principal streets
10:00 A.M. Balloon Ascensions and Parachute Dissension
10:30 A.M. Prize Ball Game, Reynolds Nonpareils vs. Punxsutawney's Best
1:00P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Horse Races, Mule Race, Dog Races, Bicycle Races, Foot Race, Greased Pig, Greased Pole, Tugs of War, Prize Band Contest and
Prize Firemen's Race, DuBois vs. Punxsutawney
5:00 P.M. Balloon Ascensions and Parachute Dissension, Prof. Fredricy
Miss Blanch Hamilton, daughter of J.J. Hamilton, of Perry township, who is attending school at Lebanon College, Mason, Ohio, is at home on a vacation, and the Perrysville Brass Band gave her the compliment of a serenade one evening last week.
The Rathmel cornet band discoursed some excellent music on our streets Monday forenoon.
The Perrysville Brass Band Assisted Punxsutawney in celebrating the Fourth, The boys make a fine presentation in their uniforms and render very good music.
The Rathmel Brass Band spent Monday evening and the Fourth in town, during the time of their stay visiting different parts of the town and rendering some choice selections that were thoroughly appreciated by those of our citizens who by force of circumstances, were compelled to stay at home.
The Punxsutawney band rendered good music yesterday. A number of extra players were secured for the occasion, who added very much to its efficiency.
Your correspondent attended a concert and social at the Presbyterian church at Big Run last Thursday night. It was given under the auspices of the Big Run orchestra, Hon. Henry Wilson, leader, assisted by the Men's Quartet, the Presbyterian choir and the Ladies' Aid. Miss Amy Taylor gave three recitations, all of which were appreciated, being cultured efforts. The music throughout consisting of overtures, songs, duets, instrumental and vocal solos all of a high order of excellence in themselves and most skillfully rendered to the great satisfaction of the appreciative audience present. The cream and cake served after the more intellectual enjoyments were all delicious. Many a one has spent twice as much as this entire entertainment cost and not had any better program or rendition of the same. Everything was first class except the attendance, which was of first class people but too few in numbers considering the fine program rendered. The band folk were quite dissatisfied with the patronage they failed to receive, as they had again and again given their services to any and everything else free and naturally expected, as they richly deserved, a large audience at their concert especially when the admission was so small for so excellent a program so delightfully carried out. Big Run will not likely get so much good music free after this.
Spirit 6/13/1900
Mrs. Sue L.E. Horne, Mrs. C.B. Reed and Miss Anna Wilson attended the Brass Band tournament at DuBois last Thursday.
The DuBois Courier mildly refrained from mentioning the fact of our band having had their music scattered to the four winds while playing the contest piece. Had this accident not have happened we might have easily "scooped" second prize. and possibly first. The Courier is a very impartial paper as a rule, but owing to the tender feeling that it has for our town, it sometimes goes a few steps outside the beaten track to say nice things about us, such as riding to DuBois on a freight train to see the "flyer" pass through, etc. etc. We we are modest people, and do not claim rank with Philadelphia and Pittsburg as does our neighboring town of DuBois, according to a recent statement of the Courier. We are content to fall in line and go marching along with other cities as Altoona, Wilkes bar re, Scranton or others of this class. DuBois is out of our reach entirely, and we simply turn her over to the Quaker and the Iron City.
We were misinformed last week when we stated that the Marchand martial band helped to furnish music for Decoration Day. It was the Covode martial band, the leading musicians of which are Archie Hadden, and James and Taylor Simpson.
The Glen Campbell brass band passed through Punxsutawney last Thursday and Saturday to and from DuBois, where it went to engage in the prize contest which took place there on Thursday and Friday. The band played a number of tunes in town and easily demonstrated that it was an excellent band. It is composed largely of coal miners, as is also the Reynoldsville and DuBois Bands, which argues that Punxsutawney might also have a good bend if it were to select the best musicians from the material it has to draw from.
Five brass bands entered the contest at DuBois last Friday, and were awarded prizes as follows: McDonald, first; Logan band, of Altoona, second; Reynoldsville, third; Osceola, fourth; Glen Campbell, fifth. The judges were, Prof. W.H. Olmstead, of New York; Prof Frank Dean, of Wellsboro, and Hon. Henry I Wilson of Big Run. The Volunteer band, under the rules, was not allowed to compete being the home band. It won the last contest, and is perhaps the best band in the association.
Spirit 10/17/1900
Peter Yarruty went to New York, accompanied by Professor Colonna for the purpose of purchasing musical instruments for the Big Soldier band. Twenty-five Italians are receiving instruction, and after the holidays they will make their debut.
Spirit 8/14-1901
Nirella's Fourteenth Regiment Band will be at the Fair the entire four days. This is the finest musical organization of this kind in the state.
25 musicians-$600 band 25 artists
Nirella's Famous Pittsburg Fourteenth Regiment Band will be there the entire four days of the Fair. The management made a great hit when they secured this aggregation of renowned musicians. It cost a pile of money to get it. But then no music is too good for the thousands of patrons of the Great Punxsutawney Fair. It is simply the best band money could hire. Come and hear it and live on melodious strains of music for four long days.
Spirit 8/21/1901
It costs the management $600 to secure the Nirella's 14th Regiment Band for four days fair week. It is composed of 25 artists, each a specialist in his line. This feature alone is worth more than the combined attractions at the average county fair. You will miss something if you don't hear them.
The best band music ever heard in Punxsutawney will entertain the thousands of visitors who attend Punxsutawney fair next week.
Spirit 3/26/1902
The Walston Brass Band was in town Saturday afternoon discoursing music and passing the hat for the purpose of raising money to help pay for their new instruments. There are twenty-one pieces, for of which are clarionets, and the organization gives promise of becoming a famous band.
Spirit 8/27/1902
One Thousand Uniformed Men in Line With Five Excellent Brass Bands
The band concert was also declared off because a number of bands had to leave before it took place, Clearfield being the only band that met the prescribed conditions and appeared at the appointed place at 2 o'clock p.m. for the contest. For this reason, and for the further fact that Clearfield had an excellent band, there was a good deal of sentiment to the effect that the Fifth Regiment was entitled to the prize.
One of the best bands at the Firemen's convention was the Fifth Regiment Band of Clearfield. The boys could beat any of them making perfectly harmonious music while on the march, and are a credit not only to Clearfield, but to the Pennsylvania Militia. And they were not economical of their music, either. They marched up and down street until a late hour playing popular airs, and keeping the people in high spirits. Everybody was enthusiastic over the Fifth Regiment Band.
Spirit 6/3/1903
Promptly at 10 o'clock the line of march was taken up at the northeast corner of the public square in the following order:
Martial band led by Comrade Archie Hadden; Capt. E.H. Little post No 287, G.A.R. in command of Comrade Cyrus Wilson; Women's Relief Corps, Falls Creek Brass Band, Flower Girls, Flag Boys, Salvation Army, Junior Mechanics, Knights of Pythias, Walston Brass Band, And Punxsutawney Council O.U.A.M.
The procession marched down Mahoning street to Gilpin street and countermarched to Findley street and along Findley street tot he Old Cemetery The flower girls and flag boys were especially attractive as each bore a beautiful token to be laid on the graves of the dead. The O.U.A.M. made a splendid showing in their bright regales, and marched like veterans. The procession halted at the tomb of Capt. E.H.Little, and after the G.A.R. Veterans had come to a rest the other organization formed a cordon around the grave. Back of them a great crowd assembled to witness the exercises, the first number of which was a rendition of "The Dead March in Saul," by the Walston Band.
Spirit 7/1/1903
The Punxsutawney Cornet Band, which was organized here recently, has made a selection of the instruments to be used, and the time has come when money alone talks. Out of $305 subscribed, $240 has been paid in. An effort will be made this week to increase the capital to at least $500, and should the effort prove successful the instruments will be ordered at once. The band will consist of 14 pieces, of the Fischer make, said to be the best that can be purchased for the money. The entire outfit will cost $851. The members of the new organization have all had considerable experience, and if they receive the desired assistance so that there is no delay in getting into practice, will be in a position to furnish music for the coming fair. It should be a pleasure for every citizen in the town to assist in making possible this very much needed attraction for Punxsutawney.
The great Fourth of July parade will form around the public Park at 10 o'clock a.m. and at 10:30 o'clock the line of march will be taken up as follows: Burgess, town council, city officials, visitors, and citizens in carriages, fire departments of Punxsutawney and Lindsey, merchants and manufactures and fantastic parade. Each division will be escorted by a brass band or drum corps and the prospect are that the parade will be the longest and most imposing pageant ever seen in Punxsutawney. The committees expect each citizen to be in line and help to elongate the procession. Any kind of an outfit will be acceptable. The funnier the better. Delivery wagons, dray wagons, store wagons, anything moveable from an oil stove to a go-cast will add interest the parade.
Spirit 7/8/1903
The Punxsutawney band is now an assured institution, and the instruments have been order shipped at once.
Spirit 7/15/1903
The instruments, for what is to be known as the Citizens' Band, of Punxsutawney, arrived here on Monday and were displayed in the windows of the McAfee's tailor shop until last night when they were distributed to the members of the new organization. The instruments were manufactured by Henry Distin & Company, of Williamsport, and are easily the finest make ever seen in Punxsutawney. They are made of brass, silver plated, full burnished with gold points and bell, elaborately engraved and of the very latest design. Each instrument is supplied with a double complement of fixtures and a handsome patent case made of leather, and plush lined. The personnel of the new band is as follows: Leader and E flat cornetist, George B. Miller; B flat cornetists, Walker, Derand, Mitchell, and Henry; Saxophone, McAfee; clarionetist, Devinney; baritone, Reilley; tuba, Watkins and Heckendorn; trombone, Donnelly, Guthrie, Stokes and Van Sickle; solo alto, Miller; altophone, Houghton, Smith,; bass drum, Conway; snare drum, Meyers. The instruments are the property of the citizens and will be controlled by a board of trustees. Before taking possession of them teach player will be required to sign strict by-laws and make oath, in substance, as follows;: In case I fail to return the instrument within five days from the time I cease to be a member of the Citizens' band, I agree that a criminal proceeding may be instituted against me for larceny.
Spirit 7/29/1903
Funeral Service in honor of Pope Leo
On the return march the column was headed by Rev. Father Weinker, and other church officials, who occupied a carriage. Next came 12 little girls bearing a large frame which held a picture of the late head of the Catholic Church on either side. Then came the Walston brass band followed by the members of the Garibaldi Society.
Spirit 8/5/1903
The Citizens' Band, of Punxsutawney, Since receiving their instruments three weeks ago, has made excellent progress in playing. Two street concerts have already been given, each attracting an immense crowd which applauded their efforts liberally. The band is already a pronounced success.
Spirit 9/9/1903
The Punxsutawney band, after discoursing music all day for the U.M.W. of A. on Labor Day, serenaded a number of our business men in the evening. The band is improving right along, and is a credit to the town.
Spirit 8/16/1910
Yesterday afternoon the Walston Military Band made its appearance and until a late hour entertained the big crowd that assembled with various selections. The string of lights from the Company store to the central portion of town were alight and the scene presented was a lively one.
Spirit 9/23/1903
The Citizens' Brass Band, of Punxsutawney, recently organized, has made marvellous progress, and is already a creditable music producing organization. Most of the members are old musicians, and all that is needed to make this one of the best bands in this part of the State is practice. The boys have been provided with new instruments and new suits at an expense of nearly a thousand dollars, and a debt of nearly seven hundred dollars is hanging over them. with no resources with which to pay it. This is discouraging. They have begun to fear that the people are losing interest and that this band will to the way of similar organizations in the past. If there are no public spirited citizens who feel like reaching down in their pockets and helping the boys out, benefits of various kinds should be given by the different social of town by which the necessary funds could be raised. All that is needed is a little public enthusiasm. Although wind is a very essential element in the constitution of a brass band, it cannot live on wind alone. It needs something more substantial, and unless our citizens are awakened to a realization of this fact they will be inquiring one of these days when it is too late what has become of the Citizens' band.
Spirit 3/9/1904
The special train from DuBois to Yatesboro last Sunday carried 556 persons. Of this number 11 were from DuBois, 519 from Punxsutawney and 26 from other points. Arrangements had been made to accommodate 300 from DuBois but in this the managers of the excursion were very much disappointed. The Punxsutawney Brass Band accompanied the delegation from this place. The church was erected by Rev. Father John DeVille of Walston and cost about $8,000, furnished. Rev. Federici who will be the resident pastor assisted Rev. DeVille in conducting the dedicatory ceremonies, during which a congratulatory telegram was received from the Iselins, of New York, who were liberal contributors toward the erection of the church.
Spirit 3/23/1904
A literary contest between the senior classes of the Punxsutawney, Brookville, and Reynoldsville high schools will be held in the Punxsutawney Opera House Friday evening, March 25, The Punxsutawney band will be present and the entertainment is expected to be the event of the season in educational circles.
Spirit 3/30/1904
When the Citizens' Band arrived at the opera house shortly after eight o'clock the seat had all been sold and many people were being turned away
The Roma Band, which was organized at Crawfordstown by Prof. Antony Momnze last October, made its first appearance in public Monday evening, when Supt. A.W. Calloway and the store employes at Adrian were tendered a serenade. A large crowd collected in the front of the store to hear the first concert and it was the opinion expressed by all sides that the organization is an exceptionally good one considering the brief time it has been in existence. On Thursday evening, April 7, Prof. Momnze will bring his band to Punxsutawney and serenade the principal business places and give a concert in front of the public park.
Spirit 5/18/1904
Programme - Parade will form at 9:30 a.m. with the right resting on East boundary of Public square, Mahoning Street; first-G.A.R. Martial Band in charge of Capt. Archie Hadden...
The brethren were met at the train by the Punxstawney Cornet Band and escorted to the hall, after which the band gave a concert in front of the park.
Over five hundred people came over from Indiana last Thursday on a special excursion to take part in the Royal Arcanum picnic held in Mitchell Park on that day.
The train bringing the excursionists arrived at the park about 10 o'clock and disembarked to the music of the Citizens' Band of Punxstawney. As soon as the crowd of perhaps 700 had assembled on the grounds, the people were called to order
From then on until noon the people were entertained by the excellent music by the band while they placed the contents of their respective baskets on the numerous tables in the grove and prepared to enjoy a sumptuous dinner.
The afternoon was devoted to dancing on the pavilion to the excellent music of the Punxsutawney Orchestra, ball playing and the numerous pleasure of genial companionship. The dancing pavilion was crowded all afternoon, and the young people who took part in that feature of the program would certainly be ready to give it their hearty endorsement.
Plans for Indiana's big Fourth of July celebration are nearly completed, and those who have the arrangements in charge are confident that Indiana visitors will be well satisfied with the program for the day. Punxsutawney will send its crack cornet band and fire companies while other visiting firemen will come from Clayville, Blairsville, and other nearby towns. Indiana brass band and the famous Green Township Sheepskin band will give concerts in the evening.
Spirit 8/3/1904
The Reynoldsville brass band, which was one of the half dozen excellent music producing organizations which discoursed melody for the A.O.H. reunion last Thursday, gave a concert in front of the Spirit office in the evening which was listened to by a large crowd of appreciative people and further established the claim of Reynoldsville to the possession of one of the best bands in the state. A number of high class selections were rendered in a manner that was mighty agreeable to the ear as well as creditable to the musicians. The leader, Richard Ramey, although regularly employed as a coal miner, has found time to make himself most proficient instructor and leader so much so that it is often said that Dick Ramsey can take any kind of material and make a good band of it. And the truth of this assertion is proven by the fact that Reynoldsville has had a first class band when ever Mr. Ramsey took a notion it should have one.
Spirit 8/10/1904
Punxsutawney is justly proud of her celebrated Citizens Band, which has been engaged by the management to furnish music the entire week. Concerts on the plaza evenings. Good band music is what makes a good fair, and all will agree that there is no better aggregation of musicians in all this land than our own unexcelled Citizens Band.
During the eighteen months which have elapsed since the Citizens Band was organized that organization has paid off an indebtedness of $1,400, and now owes less than $50. There are 25 regular members who have each been provided with a uniform, an instrument, music and music rack. The progress the band has made under the leadership of Prof. George Miller has been made the occasion for nothing but favorable comment in all quarters. Business Manager Dr. C.G. Hughes has had a large share in placing the organization on a firm financial basis, and all the members of the band have put forth an individual effort to make the institution what it is, one of the best musical attractions of the kind in this part of the state. The citizens of the town have been liberal in their contributions toward the maintenance of the organization and it is due to the cooperation of these various influences that the town, which for many years was without a band, is now to be congratulated on having a good one. The organization has been employed for furnish music for the Punxstawney and Indiana fairs, and during the remainder of the summer will continue the practice of giving a concert on the plaza every Thursday night. A small contribution from the citizens and those tho enjoy the Thursday night concert will encourage the musician s to greater efforts in their laudable ambition to make the band as good as the best.
Spirit 9/7/1904
Within the next ten days "The Young Wife," will be produced in the Mahoning Street Opera House by home talent for the benefit of the Citizens Band. As the organization is about $60 in debt yet for their uniforms and music supplies. It should be a pleasure to the citizens of Punxsutawney to turn out on this occasion and assist the band in wiping out this obligation which will soon be due. The organization has labored faithfully to become a credit to the town and the distinct success which the band has made entitles it to the hearty patronage of the citizens of this community. The date will be announced in the next issue of the Spirit.
The Citizens Band left this morning to spend the remainder of the week at the Indiana fair.
Spirit 10/12/1904
Falls Creek had 75 men in line. The famous band of that town led the way and the organization had for its leader Captain W.J. Leahy, of the famous Bucktail Regiment Roderick McDonald, who is 82 years of age, marched beside the captain and Gus Shell, the veteran drummer with the throng.
Last Sunday at 11 o'clock the cornerstone for the new Greek Catholic church at Lindsey was laid in the presence of about 1500 people. At about 10 o'clock the Greek societies in this community, numbering ten in all, assembled on the plaza at this place and marched about 600 strong to Clayville. The column was preceded by the Adrian band and each society bore an emblem of the organization and a bright hued America flag.
The Ridgway boys are going to get the Punxsutawney band out and every available rooter between here and that place is expected to come and root for them; and, of course, Reynoldsville will bring their own band and come in full force. It will be a big day for Punxsy.
Spirit 5/31/1905
It appears that the statement in last week's Spirit in regard to the payment of the Punxsutawney band on last Memorial Day was not properly understood by all. The meaning meant to be conveyed was that that no money was paid to the band on that occasion, but that the money what was paid was applied on the debt on the instruments, which the citizens had obligated themselves to pay, and was not used to pay the players. The finance committee of the G.A.R. solicited from the people and paid to the band $50 for its services on last Decoration Day, taking its receipt therefore, but the players themselves received nothing, as the money so raised was turned into the general fund contributed by the residents of Punxsutawney to furnish an outfit for the band. Hence, so far as the musicians were concerned, they gave their services free of charge, and the manager of the organization, Dr. C.G. Hughes, says they were willing to do the same thing this year.
Spirit 6/21/1905
The Indiana fire companies and baseball team will be here with a brass band and as our neighboring town has concluded to forego a celebration this year and come to Punxsutawney, a great crowd is expected to come from that direction.
The Citizens' Band, of Punxsutawney, met last Monday night and voted to disband, after which it reorganized. George Miller was elected leader with the authority to appoint a committee of four to confer with him in choosing players and draughting a set of by-laws for the government of the organization. It is is believed that with proper by-laws, strictly enforced, the band will continue to improve and that the little differences which have divided and the petty gossip which has disturbed their equanimity, will be eliminated. The band is all right, our people are proud of is, and every encouragement should be given it to stick together and practice until it becomes on of the best bands in the State.
Spirit 6/28/1905
7:30 to 9 o'clock a.m. arrival of special trains and band concert by Citizen's band, of Punxsutawney, Barkout's Royal Italian Band, Adrian Roma Band. Slide for life and other free acts in front of the Part.
2 to 2:30 o'clock 200- yard hose race: Indiana, Lindsey and other fire companies on Mahoning street near Park. Band concerts and daylight fireworks
2:30 to 5:30 o'clock, ball game; Punx'y vs. Jones & laughlin, of Pittsburg High dive; band concerts.
Spirit 7/26/1905
The following concert programme will be given by the Keystone band in Reynold's Park Pavilion on Third Street, Thursday Evening, July 27: March, Chicago Tribune; Selection, Maralina; Two-step, Noisy Bill; Overture, Evening Idylls; March 18 Regiment; Tuba solo, Beelzebub, G.W. Beck; Medley, "In the Shade of the old Apple Tree; Trombone Solo, "Down on the Farm," with variations, Fred Warren.
Spirit 8/9/1905
Dancing was conducted in the pavilion all day and during the evening. Monroe's orchestra furnished excellent music for the dance, while Col. Cooper's band discoursed lively airs in the various places on the grounds.
A game of ball was played Monday afternoon in the high school grounds between the married and the single men. The married men won the game by a score of 6 to 5, which gave them the series for which the single men have agreed to set up a banquet for 18. There was much excitement during the game and anxiety of the outcome of the series. A large crowd witnessed the game. The Sons of Veterans band furnished music for the occasion.
7:30 Every Night 730
Big Free Show, Band Contest
and Prize Contests
Near Ball Park Punxsutawney
All Free
The Rural Valley brass band occupied a pavilion in a conspicuous place and discoursed music throughout the day.
. . .
After the game the volunteer band took possession of the verandah of the new Jefferson Hotel and treated our people to an evening's program of the choicest music, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd which congregated on Main Street.
Spirit 9/6/1905
Fully 3,000 members of the various labor organizations and trades unions in Punxsutawney and vicinity participated in the various exercises which were held in this place Monday, under the auspices of the U.M,W. of A. Two parades were formed in front of the part at about 10 o'clock a.m. the first section, escorted by the Roma Band and the speakers, went to the fair ground, and the second section composed of 12 foreign societies, with about 500 men in line, marched to Lindsey where they took part in the dedication of the Greek Catholic Church.
The 14th Regiment band of Pittsburg, which was here Wednesday and Thursday, made a hit with the fair crowds and their evening concerts constituted on of the most pleasant featured of the Week's entertainment. The Citizens Band, of Punxsutawney, enlivened the crowds on the first and last days of the fair.
Spirit 10/18/1905
The Keystone Band, of Reynoldsville, came over to Punxsutawney, with the Eagles and gave a concert in the Park in the afternoon. The Keystone Band is a famous organization, and we doubt if there is a band anywhere in the country of the same size whose members are not all professional musician that can produce better music. Dick Ramsey is a great leader. He puts his whole soul into his work, and the result is art. Reynoldsville has had a band almost continuously for 25 years. "Jim" Towney, now the Hon. James A. Towney, Member of Congress from Minnesota, was the leader then, and some more of us tooted heroically under his guidance, but never got into the two minute class.
Spirit 10/25/1905
The annual reunion of the survivors of the famous 105th Regiment was held in Punxsutawney last Wednesday, and was one of the interesting events of the year. Veterans of the "Wild Cat" Regiment to the number of 129 , besides many old soldiers of other regiments, were present, renewed old friendships, revived old memories and told old tales of the days when they wrought so nobly for the Republic. It was a pleasant occasion for all.
The Women's Relief Corps prepared an excellent dinner in the K. of P. banquet hall, which the veterans charged like Rebel battery, capturing everything in sight. Some of the veterans have lost their hair and some have grown a little wobbly on their legs, but most of them still possess vigorous appetites. It was remarked by many as the old soldiers marched by in the parade that these veterans were a mighty fine looking body of men notwithstanding the lapse of nearly half a century since they wore the blue.
At 1:30 o'clock, after the veterans had revived their spirits by ministering to their physical wants, they assembled in front of the Public Park and listened to an eloquent address of welcome by D.C. Gillespie, which was responded to in an able manner by W.M. Fairman, Esq.
The parade formed at 2 o'clock, with Thomas K. Hastins as chief marshal and H.C. Campbell and W. M Fairman as assistants. The Punxsutawney and Dubois Sons of Veterans, headed by the Citizens' Band of Punxsutawney, acting as escort to the 105th and veterans of other regiments, were at the head of the column. Then came the veterans with the Falls Creek Marital Band at their head, followed by the Reynoldsville and Brookville Sons of Veterans with the Captain E. H. Little Post and Adrian Martial bands. The line of march took the parade past the East End school house, where it halted until the school children passed, then falling in behind, marched down to Market Space where the school children had been lined up in front of the park. The girls wore white dresses and the boys were in their best Sunday clothes, and all carried flags. W.M. Fairman on behalf of the old soldiers, made an appropriate address calculated to warm the hearts of the veterans and inspire the children with patriotism. Professor Mark, superintendent of the public schools, responded on behalf of the pupils in a neat address.
A Camp Fire was held in the Opera House in the evening. J.B. Jordan was chosen chairman and the opening address was made by H.C. Campbell, Esq., who was followed by Rev. George K. Hoover, of Chicago. The old soldiers were then severally called upon, and the occasion was made interesting by the recital of stories of army life, "of feats of broil and battee, of moving accidents by flood and field, of hair breadth 'scapes in the imminent deadly breach and of being taken by the insolent foe." The Camp Fire was highly enjoyed by all and was a fitting finale to one of the most successful reunions ever held by the good old 105th.
The address of welcome delivered by D.C. Gillespie was so warmly commended by all who heard it that we give it in full.
"Comrades and surviving veterans of the 105th Pa. Volunteers, members of other regiments, Spanish-American War Veterans and Sons of Veterans:
On behalf of our worthy Burgess whom I have the honor to represent on this occasion, and the good people of Punxsutawney, it affords me great pleasure to meet, greet and welcome you. But words are totally inadequate to express the fullness, the depth of the welcome that come to you from the hearts and the homes of this people. The town is yours. You have the key; open the doors, come in and enjoy yourselves for we want to you feel that you are at home today in Punxsutawney
My memory reverts back to the memorable years, the early sixties, when, with Col. McKinght, Lieut. Colonel Corbett, Capt. Hastings, Capt. Clyde, Capt. Dowling, Capt. Craig and many others I helped to recruit your now depleted ranks, In the full flush of young manhood; how robust, how vigorous, how stalwart you were then! Now, grizzled and grey; many of you bent with the wight of accumulated years, and like myself, are close to the Great Divide, the unseen boundary line. But a grateful country has not forgotten and never will forget your splendid, self-sacrificing devotion to this great government in the hour of its extremist peril, when you freely offered your lived to save its life.
The world will little note nor little care what may be said here, but it never can forget what you did on the great battlefields of the Republic.
You did not know, we did not know, the world did not know the mighty issue for which you stood in that terrific conflict. And when I look back and realize that might have been our condition had results been different, I feel today that you stood for no less a stake than the world's midnight or its noon. For I firmly believe, that had the Union forces suffered a disastrous defeat at Gettysburg - when the high tide was reached - the hand of the dial of human liberty and popular government would have been turned back an hundred years - possibly forever. But, like the angel with the flaming sword, who stood guard at the gates of Paradise, you stood like a wall of steel at the gates of the American Union and saved for us and the world the grandest model of the human government ever devised by the mind of man. So that now, you can see, we can see, the world can see, the grand results of your intrepid valor and invincible heroism. Standing in the front rank of the civilized government of the world, in the great march of the nations of the Earth, Uncle Sam and Old Glory lead the procession.
You stood for God and home and native land. You stood for the union of these states. You stood for the grandest government ever vouchsafed to man, and you stood for that flag which has never been struck and never will be struck to any foe.
The Book tells us that a certain woman took a little leaven and hid it in three measures of meal and the whole was leavened. And the leaven of the principles of this great government is working today in every civilized nation on earth, and will continue to work until ultimately that starry banner will become the emblem of human liberty and popular government throughout the world.
But why should I spend time in talking of your valor here? The hotly contested battlefields of Williamsburg, Fair-Oaks, Malvern Hill, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Petersburg, Charles City Cross Roads and so on to Appomattox, all speak of you in deeds much more eloquent than any words I can utter.
But you are passing way, you have crossed the summit of life's mountain, and are slowly going down on the other side. Heaven grant you a peaceful rest at its base. One by one your members are crossing he River. A very few years and there will be no more reunions of the survivors of the gallant old 105th , until that Great Day - for which all other days were made - when you shall be marshalled on the Eternal Camping Ground, to hear from the lips of the "Great Commander" himself; "Well done good and faithful servants.": Again I bid you welcome.
Spirit 4/18/1906
The Citizens' Band is to be reorganized with William A. McCartney, directory of the Jefferson Theater Orchestra, as leader.
Spirit 5/9/1906
From 1850 to 1890 Mr. Jack and his wife, whose stage name is Annie Firman, promoted many companies and in the eighties made a tour of the world. Mr. Jack's "Fallstaff" was rated by the Metropolitan critics as the best in his time. Mrs. Jack, who resides in New York, is now a popular composer of instrumental music, her most recent production being "The March of the Miners," arranged for bands and orchestras, a copy of which Mr. Jack presented to me Mr McCartney, lead of the Punxsutawney band.
Mr. Jack celebrated his seventieth birthday in February, but aside from a slight lameness caused by a bullet wound which he received in the knee at the second battle of Bull Run, is as hale and enthusiastic as a man of 50.
A large body of miners from Rossiter, headed by a brass band, yesterday marched through town on their way to Walston where the Society of St. Andrews was holding a celebration.
About 200 lodge men and laywomen from this place attended the Grand Lodge meeting of the Pennsylvania Knights of Pythias at DuBois last Thursday... Band prizes: Grampian band, first, prize, $40; Reynoldsville band, second, prize, $25; Falls Creek, third, prize, $10. The Smithtown drum corps took the prize for being the best martial band, $10.
Spirit 3/20/1907
St. Joseph''s Day was fittingly celebrated by the Garibaldi Society of Walston yesterday.
An Italian band from Altoona under the leadership of Sartorio, who three years ago was leader of the Walston band, was secured for the occasion, and played almost continuously during the day. The band, which has been organized but a little over nine months undoubtedly contains a number of finished musicians and under the leader ship of Mr. Sartorio the band is destined to become one of the best in the State....The band ... rendered a delightful open air concert.
Spirit 5/25/1907
The cornet band was in Ridgway Thursday, playing for he Punx'y Red men.
Richard Ramsey is teaching the Sykesville band. Mr. Ramsey has been leader and instructor of the Reynoldsville Keystone Band, which has made a record for itself in the last decade, and will certainly bring the Sykesville band to a high state of efficiency.
The Punxsutawney Silver Cornet band won the prize at Ridgway Thursday. The Personator Red Men know a good thing when they see it and are to be complimented on the good judgment used when they employed the Big Run Military band and to do their playing at Ridgway. The Punxsutawney Silver Cornet band belongs to Big Run and are known, when they play most places as the Big Run military band. Puns'xy is just west of Big Run, and of course, it is very easy for them to procure first class supplies from Big Run in every instance.
The G.A.R. with the auxiliary corps, the Womens Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans assembled Sunday at 10:30 o'clock at the G.A.R. hall. Accompanied by the Hadden military band and the Sons of Veteran's marshal band the three marched in a body to the English Lutheran Church, where memorial services were conducted by Rev. John Frampton. He had no text for his sermon but spoke at length on the mention of which the Bible makes of the word "memorial." and the origin of memorial day services. The ceremonies were concluded by the entire assemblage singing "America."
Spirit 6/14/1907
The Adrian band furnished music for the Garibaldi Society, of Walston, last Wednesday and gave good satisfaction.
Spirit 8/17/1907
The Italians throughout this section celebrated St. Roque's day yesterday with great elaboration. Most of the mines were closed down for the day and the Italians turned to for a royal good time. At Walston all the societies turned out and the Walston band was in attendance.
Spirit 8/24/1907
District Firemen's Convention at Clearfield
Band Prizes: Jersey Shore, first; DuBois, second; Punxsutawney third.
Go to Jefferson Park Sunday, Aug. 25 and hear the band concert afternoon and evening.
Spirit 6/24/1908
George Beck, a member of the Firemen's Committee in charge of the music for the big Fourth of July celebration in Punxsutawney today received assurances that the Eldred Brass Band, the name of which will soon be changed to the Punxsutawney Glass Works Band, will be here to participate on the Fourth.
Fifteen of the twenty members of the band will arrive in Punxsutawney this afternoon to become permanent residents of Punxsutawney. They are all single men with the exception of one.
The Eldred organization will be reinforced by three members of the defunct Punxsutawney Citizen's Band, George Beck, Fred Warren and Albert Mitchell, all specialists, and Mr. Beck promises something out of the usual in band entertainment on July 4th.
The new musical organization will be composed of twenty pieces, uniformed in red and blue, and will constitute a desirable acquisition, not only for the Fourth , but for years to come.
Spirit 3/20/1909
Tomorrow the Garibaldi Society of Walston will feast in honor of St. Joseph. The celebration will begin at 10:30 a.m., when mass will be attended. The society will be attended by the Walston Volunteer Band, under the direction of Prof. Domenico Cateresano.
A big program which includes prize band concerts, prize field sports such as foot races, hurdle races, Association football, tug of war, potato races, 3 mile bicycle races, ball games, greased pole, girls' foot races shoe and stock races.
The Arcadia band is making an excursion to Punxsutawney on July 5 and will give a band concert in the Square at 1:30p.m. The band consists of twenty uniformed players and is under the baton of Prof. James Rutherford and is one of the best bands in Indiana County.
Spirit 6/17/1909
A Walston correspondent, having observed a printed statement to the effect that a certain band in this vicinity had the original Italian slide trombone player, submits the following for publication in The Spirit:
Editor Spirit:-As to Italian slide trombone players, I beg to state that Walston has two of them in her band, Joe Scarva, who had been playing for four months, and Tom Campersano, who has been playing for three months.
Everybody is surprised at these two slide trombone players. They play sweet and low. The slide trombone is one of the best instruments in the world. Joe Scara had a valve trombone, and he was getting long fine, and he said to the leader "I am going to get a slide." The leader said to him: "You better not, for the slide is a hard instrument to learn on, and no one here can learn you on this instrument." And Joe Scara said: "I am going to learn myself." And he learned, and there was wasn't anybody showed Joe Scarea anything on a slide trombone."
[The Slide Trombone, though the one of the oldest brass instruments fell out of favor in the early 1800's after the invention of valved brass instruments and was just starting to make a come back].
Spirit 10/12/1909
Nearly three hundred members of the Delancey society were in line, while Walston was represented by over two hundred, headed by the Walston band.
Spirit 5/9/1910
The Walston Band has been entirely reorganized, and Professor Enrico Colonna, who during the past three years had been the director of some of the best bands in New York Coney Island and Harrisburg, has taken charge of the reorganized band. Music for concerts, dances and parades will be furnished. Felix V. Gatti, manager, Walston , Pa.
Spirit 6/4/1910
The Walston brass band gave a short concert on the public square early this morning. They left on the 7:50 for Hillman, where the Catholic Church is holding a big social affair.
Memorial Day at Marion Center was a big day, as it always is at Marion Center. The morning looked for rain but kept off until all the services were over. We had a large crowd estimated at from 1500 to 2000. The Gipsy band and the Marshall band and the Marion Center brass band gave us lots of music
Spirit 6/22/1910
Rossiter has a prodigy in the form of an exceptionally talented boy musician.
James Colonna, whose parents reside in Walston, is but fifteen years of age, yet he is the efficient leader and instructor of the Rossiter band, an organization of twenty-five pieces. That the youngster is accomplishing great results is the opinion of those who have heard the band.
Spirit 7/18/1910
The Punxsutawney Citizens' Band but recently reorganized, is making rapid progress.
Practice is held three nights each week, and every member is showing the keenest interest by diligent attendance. Although organized but a month ago, the band is now able to render some creditable music, and expects to give the people of the town proof of its powers by giving an open-air concert some time in the near future.
The citizens of Punxsutawney should extend every aid in their power to the band, and help make a lasting institution.
Spirit 7/28/1910
The Walk-Overs and Driscoll's Cubs of Walston are playing this afternoon at East End Park. The Cubs have greatly strengthened their lineup and an interesting game is promised. The Walston band accompanied the visiting team here. Blose will pitch for Walston, Watson for the locals.
Spirit 8/22/1910
About six months ago, Professor Enrico Colonna, who was formerly leader of the Harrisburg band came to Walston and took charge of the musical organization there.
Assisted by his son, Fred, who is one of the most accomplished cornet players in this section, he has made the Walston Band an institution to be proud of. The organization, which consists of twenty-six pieces, has many engagements now on hand.
Spirit 10/1/1910
The citizens of Walston will celebrate Rosary Sunday, beginning this evening with a musical program from 7:30 until 9:30 o'clock, under the direction of Professor Colonna. Fireworks display at 9:30 o' lock. Services tomorrow morning in St. Anthony's Church at 10:30 o'clock.
Spirit 10/12/1910
The Big Run band will be a big part of the Republican celebration here next Friday, when the Republican State candidates will be in Punxsutawney. The Big Run aggregation of musicians, which
by the way, is a little bit the best in this part of the country, will arrive here shortly after supper, and will make things hum both inside and outside the theatre where the big meeting will be held.
Punxsutawney is going to have a Hallowe'en celebration on the night of October 31. Not a corn-throwing, tick-tacking, gatelifting hulabaloo, but a real, old-fashioned celebration in which the old as well as the young will participate, and of which the big feature will be a Hallowe'en parade with the Punxsutawney band heading the procession.
So much has been decided upon, but just how extensive the celebration will be depends upon the people themselves. In a short time, a solicitor will make the rounds, and everyone will be asked to boost by cash donations. The money will be used to purchase prizes, to hire the Punxsutawney Citizens' band, and for whatever other needs that turns up.
The Big Run Military Band will give an oyster supper and ice cream festival Saturday evening. October 8, commencing at 5:30 o'clock. Music will be furnished throughout the evening by the band. Everything will be there to regale the inner man and "Shany Maties" to wait on the tables
Spirit 10/13/1910
The Walston band was much in evidence and through the day rea lied the big crowd with patriotic music.
The transportation committee of which P.O. Freas, is chairman has secured excursion rates from Reynoldsville as intermediate points and from Big Run to Punx'y.
The Committee on music, of which George W. Stevenson, is chairman, has provided for an abundance of music. During the afternoon the Citizens' Band of Punxsutawney will be in evidence and through the evening hours the Citizens' Band, the Big Run Military Band and the Walston Military Band will be here.
There will be no parade. The candidates will be carried from the depot to the hotel and from the hotel to the theatre in automobiles, the bands will have a corner on the marching.
Spirit 10/15/1910
The Big Run band under the leadership of Hon. Henry I Wilson, furnished some choice selections before and after the meeting, as did the Walston Military Band, under the direction of Professor Colonna. On the streets the Punxsutawney Citizen's Band and the Boys' Band of Eleanora kept up the enthusiasm by playing popular airs, while the youngsters blew their horns and yelled for Tener.
The meeting came to a close at 10:40 o'clock and until eleven the candidates were busy shaking hands.
Spirit 10/19/1910
The Walston band was much in evidence and through the day regalled the big crowd with patriotic music.
The recently organized Punxsutawney band Friday night rendered several selections in front of the Spirit office last night which were duly appreciated by the force. Punx'y has had several bands but none that gave such promise as the present organization. With but two month's practice it has developed a degree of efficiency that many similar organizations of from one to five years' standing cannot approach.
Spirit 10/26/1910
The Punxsutawney band will be in evidence on the big night and a committee on music consisting of Dorsey Neal and Myer Gilbloom was selected to secure their services. An invitation to the Y.M.C.A. band to participate i the celebration was also tendered and accepted on behalf of several of the members who were present at last night's meeting.
About 7 o'clock in the evening the atmosphere in Punxsutawney began to be agitated with music. The Covode Drum Corps, the Big Run Military Band, the Colonna Brass band of Walston, and the Citizens' band of Punxsutawney furnished the melody for the occasion. These bands occupied the stage at the opening of the meeting and each rendered a selection which elicited applause from the audience.
Spirit 2/15/1911
The perseverance of the members of the Citizens Band of Punxsutawney is bound to to make that organization one of the best in the country. Homer Hayes, as instructor, is proving himself a man of exceptional ability in his line.
Spirit 3/21/11
The Garibaldi society of Walston yesterday celebrated Garibaldi day. At second mass in the Roman Catholic church in the morning the Walston band under the leadership of Professor Enrico Colonna rendered several selections.
During the afternoon the band gave a concert in Garibaldi hall. The place was filled almost to its capacity and those in the place made their appreciation of the band's efforts known in no unmistakable way. Addresses appropriate to the occasion were delivered by Rev. Jon Deville, and Master Stabole.
Professor Colonnna has been the leader of the Walston band for two years and during that time has made it one of the best in this section. He is undoubtedly a master of his art. The band numbers twenty pieces.
The Punxsutawney Citizens' Band, a cut of which is printed in another part of this page, is a group of men that the town may well feel proud of. Organized less than a year, by the conductor and instructor, Homer Hayes, wonderful progress has been made. Upon organization there were only three of the members who had ever played a band instrument, and their talents were limited to picking up tunes by ear. Taking the raw material in hand, Mr, Hayes has labored incessantly and the result he has achieved is one he may well pride himself on.
The band has given several concerts the past few months, and during the Firemen's lecture course furnished the music at the theater. The music produced by the band on these occasions was a distinct surprise to those hearing it, the effort would have been a creditable one for a much older organization. It the meantime the band continues to practice regularly and is staidly growing more efficient. If the present gait is kept up by the members of the band it will be but a short time ere Punxsutawney will be ale to boast of a musical organization second to none.
The band consists of twenty-six pieces. Following is a list of the members: Wade Stokes, Harry Tweed, Paul Naylon, Clarence Bonnell, Paul Means, Clyde Pearce, Sam Belott, Charles Copley, Charles Sprankle, Walter North, Robert Smiley Torrence Wells, Sam McGinnis, Leslie Jordan, Robert Beezer, Vincent Beezer, Joe Spinelli, Edgar Mayott, Joe Bacco, Lon McQuown, Orphia Evans, Sam Hadley, Murray McClinsey, J. J. Ifert, W. R Pierson, Homer Hayes, teacher and conductor.
Spirit 5/10/1911
Professor Homer Hayes has resigned his position as director of the Punxsutawney Citizens band to accept a more remunerative position as band leader in the South, and we, as members of the band, wish to thank him for his services to the band and extend to him best wishes for his future. Punxsutawney Citizens' band.
The Italians of Walston celebrated St. Anthony's day on Monday. The Walston band gave a concert and elaborate fire works were shown.
Spirit 8/16/1911
Band concert at 7:30 and a big corn roast in the grove will end the whole affair.
The big choir being trained by Prof. F.D. Meanor, o East Liverpool, O., and many solos, duets, etc., will furnish ample and pleasing vocal music. the concert band has been engaged for each day and besides enlivening all the exercises, will give concerts each evening before the program is taken up.
Tomorrow the Walston Italians will hold their annual celebration of St. Rocco's day. High mass will be said at 9 o'clock and throughout the day the Walston band will furnish music.
Spirit 8/23/1911
In the evening the Marion Center band gave a delightful concert and at 8 o'clock Rev. E.L.Cartwright delivered his popular lecture, "The Greatness of America."
The boys that are here in this belock from there are Mike Misco, who formerly played the baritone, or ex-president of the Citizens' band at Punx'y; next comes Ed Robinson, who was also a member of the band; ...
The Italians of Walston Wednesday celebrated St. Rocco's day in fitting style. The celebration was participated in by fully one thousand and throughout the day there was something of interest going on.
The Walston band was the center of interest and the concerts given by it in the morning afternoon and evening were highly enjoyed.
In the evening a large number of Punxsutawney people journeyed to the mining town and witnessed the gorgeous display of fire works.
The Citizens' Band gave a concert Thursday that was greatly enjoyed by several hundred people. The band renders only the latest and catchiest music and the band concerts are much looked forward to by the townspeople. There ought to be a few more of them.
Spirit 9/6/1911
If it hadn't been for the signs in the bank and store windows, reading "Labor Day, bank (or store closed for the day," no one would have guessed that Punxstawney People were aware that such as day as Labor Day was on the calendar. Two or three times during the day the Citizens' band paraded the streets and succeeded in waking the populace from its lethargy for a few minutes, but scarcely had the band passed before the cover was on again. . .
At Rossiter the Gun club was in charge of the day's proceedings, A clay pigeon shoot, three baseball games, races, band concert and a dance were enjoyed by one of the biggest crowds that ever assembled in Rossiter.
The band concert Thursday was greatly enjoyed by a large crowd. The cornet solo by Dorsey Neal, leader of the band was especially enjoyable and was loudly applauded.
During the band concert the other evening a number of the young people took advantage of the waltzes and two-steps played and tripped about upon the cement walks. A harmless amusement that it would not hurt to be kept going.
The band favored the townspeople with a concert Tuesday and was enjoyed by fully five hundred people. The latest selections were played and that they were appreciated by the big crowd that assemble around the band stand was made evident by the applause that followed each selection.
Spirit 9/20/1911
The Spirit is in receipt of a communication from a member of the Punxsutawney Citizens' band. The communication states that the band is not receiving the proper support from the citizens of Punxsutawney and would like to know the whys and wherefores thereof.
The communication goes on to state that the band boys have dug into their own pockets for music, for money to pay a leader, for temporary uniforms which they wore on July 4 and for a new drum.
Furthermore, the communication states, they canvassed the business places of the town for funds with which to buy uniforms and almost invariably met with refusals on the grounds that the petitioned had become disgusted paying out money for bands.
Recently the Rossiter band appeared here and according to the communication, received some substantial donations from Pansexuality business men, and naturally the members of the local band don't like it.
Winter is now coming on and the band members need uniforms. The citizens should get together and see that they get them. "The boys want uniforms before they again make their appearance on the streets."
Spirit 9/27/1911
The attendance was good and the proceeds of the game have been presented to the members of the Citizen's Band to aid in the purchase of uniforms.
During the band concert Thursday a paper was passed among the citizens and as a result ninety-five dollars were subscribed for the purchase of uniforms for the Citizens' band. About four hundred dollars is needed and the paper will be kept going until that amount is subscribed. It is a worthy cause and one which everybody should help along.
It is planned to give a dance some time early in the coming month, probably on October 5 for the benefit of the band. An orchestra will furnish the music for the occasion and doubtless the proceeds from this will be of no inconsiderable size.
Editor Spirit:
The bandsmen are greatly elated over their glorious success in their campaign last evening to raise money for uniforms.
It was the first real effort we have yet made to go directly after it in a body, and as it secured $93.75, it only shows that our fellow citizens are with us to have a band looking like something, and it will be only a short time now until we will be "sporting" a nifty set of uniforms. As a complete equipment of uniforms will cost in the neighborhood of $400.00 and we had previously about $25.00 in the treasury, our hopes of securing uniforms at an early date will soon be realized.
The sincere support of the citizens is shown from the fact that a number of the most substantial gifts came to us unsolicited, and we take this means of showing our appreciation for the hearty support accorded us, and especially of thanking The Spirit for the publicity given us through their columns,. We will give more of you an opportunity to help us sooner or later or better still to just see J. Dorsey Neal at Swartz's.
John G. Harl, Chairman Finance Committee
Grant J. Walker, whose marriage was but recently announced, was serenaded Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Sarah Bair where Mr. and Mrs. Walker are making their home temporarily.
After the band had given its regular Tuesday night concert, Clyde McAninch, who is employed in the Walker barber shop conducted about two-thirds of the members of the band to Mr. Walker's abode and for half an hour there was music and more noise in evidence in that vicinity. Mr. Walker finally made his appearance made a little speech and the celebration was over.
The Punxsutawney Citizen's band gave a concert Thursday night to the delight of the citizens as the treat was unexpected. The improvement of the band is noticeable at each concert and even now Punxsutawney can boast one of the best bands in this section of the state bar none.
Spirit 10/12/1911
Tonight the big benefit dance in the Zeitler hall. The number of tickets already sold insures one of the largest crowds that ever attended a dance in Punxsutawney and the result cannot be otherwise than the best of times.
The Punxsutawney Citizens' band is deserving of the best. The proceeds of tonight's dance will be devoted toward purchasing uniforms for the band members and all those how have not otherwise contributed should make this opportunity. Even though you don't care to dance better take your money around just to show your good faith
Mitchells' orchestra will furnish the music and dancing will last from 9 o'clock until 1 o'clock.
Spirit April 1912
Excerpt from HOMETOWN MAGAZINE Aug 2019
The question of women’s suffrage was addressed in Punxsutawney with a debate held in the Jefferson Thratre in early April of 1912. Three women and one man paricipated in the arugments for the "right of franchise" or a negative position on the "granting of votes to women." . . . , that folowed an hour-long concert by the Citizens Band, was held "before an audience shamefully small"
Spirit 2/9/1916
Rehearsal For Minstrel Charged With Enthusiasm The rehearsal held last night for the minstrel, soon to be produced here for the benefit of the Citizens Band, was from all standpoints the best of the several rehearsals held to date, thirty-two young men were out and the enthusiasm was marked. Alexander Smith, formerly of Altoona, who has gone into the insurance business here, will take part In the minstrel. Mr. Smith has been a student of \V. is. Hampson's tho past seven years. The Hart brothers, two of the best known vocalists of DuBois, will also take part, as will the members of the Anita Glee Club, Tho minstrel promises to be the best ever staged by home talent in this section.
Spirit 3/6/1916
Boys Are Working Hard Every Day and Show Professional Cleverness in Rehearsals.
The rehearsals for the Annual Band Minstrel are going on regularly and the manner in which the songs, jokes and olio parts are being handled would be a credit to professionals. Those taking part in the rehearsals are all in dead earnest and put all the life and ginger into the thing that they possibly can and under the direction of Mr. R. Brown you are assured that it will be a good show. The orchestra handled by Mr. Mirsky adds greatly to the effectiveness of the songs and makes the path smooth for the singers. Prof. De Prospero, of Iselln, leader of the band there, will play the clarionet in the orchestra.
The show Is given for the benefit of the band and every man, woman and child in Punxsutawney should make it their business to attend, if only for the reason that they are going to help out this institution which adds much to the pleasure on summer evenings and which is a credit to all of us. If you go with that Idea in your mind you will be agreeably surprised to find that you arc seeing a real show. They have had minstrels in the past, but the one you will see here tomorrow night is bigger and better than any that has ever been given here by local talent. Go and see it. You will be surprised and delighted with the completeness of the settings and the manner in which the men handle their acts. It Is worth seeing.
Spirit 3/8/1916
"Honey Boy" Evans, the minstrel King, hue gone where the good minstrels go. But "Honey Boy" will never be missed in the land of the Groundhog while the Punxs'y band minstrels continue to hold forth. A half dozen performers right in the same class with the former king of the bones and tambourine were discovered last when the annual band show, bigger and better than ever, convulsed an audience which took every last seat in the Jefferson theater, where the S. R. O. sign was hung out early in the morning.
That minstrel show, however, lacked a few things that nearly every performance of the kind heretofore has carried. It had none of the music which passed out with "Honey Boy" and which people stopped whistling the year before last. It had none of the old familiar jokes that Father Noah used to tell the animals. No— this minstrel had music with "1916" stamped on it, and jokes so new that they were almost futurist. Part One of the 1916 band minstrels would need no apologies at all on the professional stage.
A ‘K'ck’ From the Start.
That show augured well from the start With the band in the background, the members of the ‘circle,’ in evening dress, appeared to quick step music and put in a speedy little drill before the entrance of the eight black face artists who finally annexed the end seats after preliminaries whose $peed and precision aroused in the bosoms of the onlookers.
And, the hopes weren't dashed either, for the very first joke had a ‘kick’ to it which brought out a roar.
That minstrel favorite ‘When the Bell in the Lighthouse Rings D'ng Dong,’ was the first musical offering sung by William Hart. And on that deep base climax Mr. Hart went down and 'down and down—and down, till it sounded as if the accompanist was going to run out of keys on the lower half of his piano. The song was most effective, and brought a big hand.
That Ragtime Drummer.
‘Alabeitra Jubilee,’ by Fred Shoop went off with all the rattle, snap and bang that shodid characterise mlnstrellzed ragtime. And right here the orchestra comes in for its bit. Minstrel work depended on the orchestra for making or marring, and the orchestra work of last night went far toward making the show the success that it was. And half the time the audience was wondering where the trap drummer got those extra arms, for surely he couldn't make all that noise with the usual complement.
William Treharne's rendition of ‘Just a Little Bit of Heaven,’ held the attention of a hushed house. He was followed by J. E. Smith, who sang "Old Bill Bailey." and just about the time the audience thought the number was finished, started a dance which was about the fastest piece of footwork that old stage ever felt. And the audience showed its appreciation accordingly.
They Were All Good.
Howard Hickox, already well known as a tenor singer, added considerably to his laurels with ‘A Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ wherein he exhibited a range of about fifteen octaves, more or less— and again the accompanist was rushed for space. James Daugherty's rendition of ‘My Little drey Home in the West’ was a signal for an outburst of Applause.
‘Bom Bom Bay’ was engineered by Clyde Allan with a bing bang effect which mightily pleased the audience and drew a loud noise therefrom. Louis Freldman, one of last years stars, sang ‘My Little Girl’ in a voice remarkable In a youngster and with the stage presence of a professional. The chorus whistled and sang encores with Louis till they just had to start this show again.
And that Circus Windup
And then came Paul Gray, with ‘Circus Day la Dixie,’ which was the windeup of the first part. And that first part was wound up in the same Style in which it was started. With the encore a whole menagerie wobbled on the stage, with a drum major, a miniature clog-dancer, and the whole works, and the curtain finally went down on a riot of rhythmic noise and pleasing color
An account of that first part really isn't complete without the jokes. They have to be heard to be appreciated. Get someone to tell 'em to you.
Should be ‘Twinkle Twinkle.
Part Two opened with a skit entitled "‘Watch Your Step’ put on by Miss Marguerite Cromley and North McCreight. The reason for the title is a mystery for most of the time they didn't stop at all - they twinkled. Mr McCreight appeared in solo at the opening of the skit, and showed that nobody needs to care if Vernon Castle has gone to be a soldier. ‘That Syncopated Walk, ’ with continuous dancing illustration, was the offering. Two dances by Mr. McCreight and Miss Cromley, done in professional style, ended the skit.
Fred Warren pleased the audience so much with a complicated trombone solo that he was forced to come back and play ‘Mother Machree’ before the action could proceed.
Why, Didn't he Fall?
‘The Brainless Wonders,’ put on by Fred Shoop and Rube Perry, provided a scream. Rube's appearance with a huge cable hitched to the tiniest dog in town started the fun, which reached its height in a wonderful strongarm act, wherein Rube was tossed about in marvelous fashion by his companion - only when Fred let go at the end of the act. Rube didn't fall at all!
James Daugherty added fresh laurels to his reputation as a Scotch impersonator, and the audience refused to be satisfied with one appearance.
The Musicale
An artistic musicale considerably above the usual run of minstrel music was the offering of Miss Genevieve Murray, Prof. Mirsky, and O. D. Carlton, with an unusual setting. Miss Murray's piano solo exhibited a high degree of training, and was enthusiastically received. Prof. Mirasky gave one of the best exhibitions of violin work that Punxsutawney ever heard. His first number, Indian Lament by Dvorak, with Dreisler's arrangement, was followed by Massonot's ‘Meditation’ from ‘Thais.’ Prof; Maisky's work in double stops and with harmonics exhibited an excellent technique, with his interpretation held his audience almost breathless. O. E. Carton sang ‘I Hear You Calling Me’ and responded to an encore with ‘Araby.’
William Hart, whose bass solo in the first part made an equal success with another solo and encore.
The Grand Finale
And then came the grand finale. It is safe to say no publical comedy or minstrel show that ever hit Punxs'y had a more effective, wind=up than the one which ended Punxs'ys 1916 band minstrel. Ray Bowers, whose voice is already favorably known to the Punxsy people, appeared before the curtain and started ‘America, I Love You.’ His rendition brought a storm of applause from the house. And as he started his encore the curtain rose, disclosing a huge semi-circle of youths in Khaki and girls in white, headed by an admiral and a general with the band in the rear breaking into the chorus of song, and with the Goddess of Liberty outlined against a huge American flag in the background. The ensemble was most effective, and proved a happily conceived finale for one of the best home talent shows Punxs'y has ever seen. Miss Florence Thoren did an excellent bit of posing as the Goddess.
Spirit 3/10/1916
The funeral of Gabriel Poydock, who died in the Adrian Hospital last Monday, as the result of a complication of diseases following an injury on the Jefferson Traction Company's lines a few weeks ago, was I one of the most largely attended held in recent years in Adrian. The Anita Band and the order of I. K. S. U., of which the young man was a member, attended the services in a body at the Adrian Roman Catholic Church, and a large crowd accompanied the funeral cortege to Anita, where interment was made, a special car being provided by the Jefferson Traction Company. Among the floral contributions were wreaths from the Anita Band and the traction company. Tho young man, who had been employed by' the Jefferson Traction Company, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Poydock, of Adrian, and was aged 17 years, 11 months and 29 days, having been born in Soldier, in 1898. He was one of the most popular young men in Adrian, and his death is mourned by his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Joseph, John, George, Michael, Mary, Anna, Katherine and Helen.
Spirit 3/14/1916
The Citizens band netted over $300 by the giving of the Minstrel Show here last Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Much of the credit for the success of the profaneness was due to the efforts of M. R. Brown, as director, who has been in this business for years and knows it from top to bottom. In the short time that he had to prepare for the Minstrel he gave them the benefit of his experience and put his every effort into the perfecting of It. He was ably assisted by Tate Allison, who furnished a lot of the funny stuff and helped Mr. Brown to arrange it.
Dorsey Neal, leader of the band, and Walter Veil, arranged the orchestrations and made the rehearsals as pleasant and easy as possible. Bob Conway and Art Rosenthal as end ment added greatly to the fun by the clever manner in which they handled their lines and Miss Florence Thorne as Goddess of Liberty in the tableaux, American Preparedness, a beautiful and impressive appearance. This tableaux was arranged and named by Mr. Brown and originated with him. It was a splendid spectacle. Mr. Brown says that in all of his experience he has never worked for a nicer cleaner organization or a more pleasant and affable crowd of people than those who took part In this entertainment.
Charles Ritchie deserves a great deal of credit for the costumes which were designed and made under his supervision. These costumes being the property of the band will reduce the expense of the production In the future.
Spirit 5/10/1916
Fifty members of the Punxsutawney Lodge 329 of the Knights of Malta, left this morning for DuBois, accompanied by the Citizens' Band. The state convention of the K. of M. is in progress at DuBois this week and this is the big day. This afternoon the Knights paraded and it was one of the largest and most imposing pageants DuBois has seen in many moons.
Spirit 5/11/1916
The local knights were accompanied by the Citizens' Band, which was generously complimented during its stay In DuBois.
Spirit 5/16/1916
The announcement in last evening's issue of The Spirit to the effect that the Citizens' Band would give its first summer concert in the band stand on Thursday evening of this week and that a dance would follow in the Langan Hall, has caused no little, amount of interest in the city. The dance, which will begin at 9 o'clock, is for the benefit of the band and the band will furnish the music. The concert will begin at 7:46 p. m.
Spirit 5/18/1916
Citizens Should Turn Out to Band Dance Tonight and Help the Boys Along
Even though it should be too wet or cold for the concert by the band tonight the dance in Langan's Hall will be held anyway, and all interested in the welfare of the band should attend.
The indications are that there will be a good attendance as the people appreciate the efforts of the men here who have given Punxsutawney so creditable an institution as the band is to us.
The band will furnish the music for the dancing and it will be real dance music. Get our your glad rags and give the boys a boost.
Spirit 5/19/1916
Follows Concert and is Attended By Large Crowd - To Give another June 1
The first of the summer dances to be held by the Citizens' Band proved the greatest sort of a success. The band appeared at 7:45 in the band stand and gave a delightful concert. Shortly before 9 o'clock the concert ended and after one or two selections had been played in front of the Langan building, the second floor of which has been rented by the band, the dancing started.
It continued until 12 o'clock. The hall was crowded to its capacity and those in attendance seemed to be having the time of their lives. The music, furnished by the band, was first class in every respect, the one steps {being especially good.
The next dance will be given on the evening of June 1.
Spirit 5/25/1916
This evening at 7:45 o'clock In the band stand the Citizens' Band will give its weekly summer concert. An excellent program has been arranged for this evening and yon can't afford to miss this treat. On Thursday evening, June 1, the band will give a concert and dance. The dance will be held in the Lang&n Hall immediately following the concert.
Spirit 5/29/1916
Five-Class Races and Probably a Running Race are Scheduled - Start at 1:30 p.m.
The races will be held under the supervision of Arthur Eberhart. There will he five class races and probably a running race, so that an excellent program is assured. The admission will be JO cents, with the grandstand free. The Citizens Band will be in attendance and will furnish music throughout the afternoon. Joseph Risling, who will take bit string into Ohio next week, will have his horses entered in at least two of tomorrow's races, and will work others to some fast miles during the afternoon. If you own a horse, no matter how fast, take It to the Fairground tomorrow and get into one of the races.
... A large number of patriotic orders and citizens will join in the parade to the old cemetery, where services are to be held at the grave of Captain B. H. Little. The Citizens Band will participate in the parade and will furnish music during the services In the cemetery.
Decoration Day services will be held in Rural Valley Presbyterian Church Tuesday by the Rev. T. E. Duffleld, pastor the Presbyterian Church at Yatesboro. The Rural Valley Brass band and the Yatesboro Citizens' band will furnish them music. All the different Sunday school scholars, Camp Fire Girls, Boy Scouts, are invited to join the parade. The old soldiers will meet in front of the Rural Valley National Bank. From there they will be conveyed by automobiles to the cemetery where they will decorate the graves of the departed soldiers with flags and flowers. After which they will proceed to the church where services will be held.
Spirit 5/31/1916
Weather Necessitates Holding Exercise of the Dan in Jefferson Theatre.
... The parade formed on the public square and shortly after 10 o'clock got under way. The F.A.R. drum corps with Archie Hadden in charge led the parade . . . W.R.C., marched at least 300 little boys and girls. The boys carrying flags and the girls baskets of flowers. The Citizens Band followed, while the Sons of Veterans brought up the rear. Despite the rain it was one of the largest and most imposing Memorial Day parades. . . . The weather would not permit of out of door exercises and the parade immediately reformed and marched to the Jefferson Theatre, where the program was carried out . . . Post Chaplain James Green offered prayer and the big audience stood as the band played "America. . . .
Spirit 6/1/1916
Will be given in the Langan Hall - Dance Starts a 9 o'clock
The second concert and dance of the season to be given by the Punxsutawney Citizens Band will take place this evening. The Concert will be given from the bandstand in the public square and will begin at 7:45 o'clock. The dance will start It 9 o'clock. The band will furnish the music for the dance.
The first dance given two weeks ago proved a decided success, and there is little doubt but that tonight's affair will be even a greater one. Practically every dance devotee in the city will be in attendance.
Spirit 6/2/1916
Exceptionally Pleasing Affair Held in the Langan Hall Last Evening
There were in the neighborhood of 50 couples at the dance given last night by the band in the Langan Hall. The band concert, an especially pleasing one given from the band stand, was followed immediately by the dance.
Throughout the evening from 9 until 12 o'clock one-steps and waltzes were played by 12 pieces of the band. The music was exceptionally fine and the encores were many. Another dance is to be given on June 15.
Spirit 6/3/1916
Memorial Day In our city proved quite an event. Owing, however, to the rains, many who desired to attend were detained at home. About 9:30 a. m. the school children formed in a procession, headed by the Boys' Band, and took the lead, followed by old veterans bearing flowers to decorate the graves of the old comrades, some marching and others unable to make the march were in autos. Then came the Reynoldsville Band In their natty uniforms, followed by the Sons of Veterans and the Firing Squad. They certainly made a timely appearance- The services in the cemetery were impressive and the program was faithfully carried out. But one cannot help but feel sad when they see the depleted ranks and can only collect now a small squad, of which so few years ago was a grand army. Even now the new generation has forgotten that these brave men dropped everything and risked their lives that the generations coming after them might have an undivided country.
The Memorial services held In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, were largely attended, Rev. T. E. Duffield preached a very appropriate sermon. The choir and the Citizens' Band furnished music suitable for the occasion.
Spirit 6/9/1916
The Punxsutawney Citizens' Band will give a public concert this evening at 8 o'clock in the public square. If it does not rain a large audience is assured. Next week, on Thursday evening, June 15, the band Will hold a dance In Langan's Hall after the concert in the park.
...There will be a parade with the local band, also bands that will accompany some of the delegations, in line. The Boys' Brigade 'Band of Du- Bois will be here with the delegation from that city. During the day speeches will .be given in the park by some of the well known members of the order.
Spirit 6/15/1916
Promptly at 1:30 Chief Marshal John H. Carr started forming the parade, and at 2 o'clock with some 1,000 knights in line, and the Orange Drum corps, DuBois, Sykesville and Brookville bands furnishing the music the parade started up Water street, countermarching to Main, and after covering the principal streets, disbanded to the Brookvilie driving park, where the grandstand was nearly filled, and the afternoon's speaking program opened with a brief address by President M. R. Brown, who introduced Grand Keeper of Records and Seals Lemuel Wilt, of Philadelphia, after the DuBois band had rendered "America". Mr. Wilt spoke of the accomplishment of the§ order, and expressed his pleasure over his first visit to the county seat, and after congratulating the Knights for their splendid turnout, was followed .by Ex-Judge John W. Reed, who delivered an interesting talk of what constitutes true brotherhood.
Spirit 6/15/1916
There will be a band concert and dance this evening, given by the Citizens' Band. The concert will begin at 7:45 o'clock and will end at 9. Immediately afterwards the dance in the Langan Hill will begin. The band will furnish, the music for the dance. These are growing in popularity The dance devotees of the city have discovered that the band furnishes most excellent music for dancing and the crowd tonight ought to be the largest to date.
Spirit 6/16/1916
The dance given by the Citizens' Band In the Langan Hall last night proved the most enjoyable held to date. The crowd was the largest that has yet attended one of these popular functions, the music was away above par and the dancers in a mood to enjoy themselves. The dances are being held every two weeks and are fast growing in popularity.
Spirit 7/5/1916
A crowd of 2,000 attended the Fourth of July picnic at Oaktree yesterday, held under the auspices of the Home Grange, with the Marion Center band furnishing music Tor the day. Rev. H. G. Teagarden, former Congressman M. Clyde Kelley, and H. W. Smitjen wore the speakers of the day.
Spirit 7/6/1916
The band concert to be given by the Citizens' Band tonight will start at 7:45 o'clock and will continue until 9 o'clock, when the dance to be given in the Langan Hall and the band will start. The band dances are growing more popular with each succeeding one and tonight's affair will doubtless attract a crowd that will 1111 the hall to its capacity.
The first open air band concert of the evening was given in Brookville Park on Friday evening, and enjoyed by a large audience. Mr. Loeser, has accepted the leadership of the band, to fill the position of F. L. Cooley, who has resigned.
Spirit 7/12/1916
Concert in Public Park Will Precede Dance - 25 Band Instruments for the Dance
The Citizens' Band will hold a concert and dance tomorrow (Thursday) evening. The concert will be in the given from the band stand in the public park beginning at 7:45 o'c1ock. The dance will be held in the pavilion at the Jefferson Park, beginning at 9 o'clock. This dance promises to he an especially enjoyable one. Twenty-five pieces of the band will furnish the music for the dancing, which will conclude at midnight. special cars will leave the suburban street car station at 9 o'clock. Heretofore about 12 pieces of the band have furnished the dance music and the increased number should add considerably to the pleasure of the affair.
Spirit 7/13/1916
Rain May Interfere With Concert But Dance Will Be Held Whether It rains or Not.
Much interest has been manifested by the dance devotees of the town in the dance to be given this evening by the Citizens' Band In the Jefferson Park. A concert will precede the dance, the concert to begin at 7:45 o'clock. Special cars for the Jefferson park will leave the street car station at 9 o'clock. The music for the dancing will be provided by 2S pieces of the band. There is a slight chance that the rain may interfere with the concert but the dance will take place, rain or shine. The pavilion at the park provided adequate shelter so don't allow a little thing like a bit of rain to keep you away.
Spirit 7/14/1916
Owing to the heat and the competition of the band concert the attendance last evening was not very large.
The concert given by the Citizens' Band In the public park last evening wag enjoyed by several hundred persons. The dance which followed was pleasant. The pavilion at the Jefferson Park was crowded from 9 until 12 o'clock with dancing devotees. The music, furnished by 20 pieces of the band, was extra fine and the encores were frequent and insistent. It Is probable that several dances will be held by the band in the park pavilion this summer.
B., R. & P. Shop Band to Accompany Employes on Special Train.
The publicity bureau of the B., R and P. has just Issued the following statement from Its headquarters in Rochester: Employes of the DuBols shops of the Buffalo. Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway will hold their annual outing at •Crystal Beach on Saturday, July 22. A special train of 15 has been provided by tie company and will leave Dubois& at <5 a. m„ arriving in Buffalo at U: 30 a. m. A ride of one hour on Lake Erie will be enjoyed, the patty arriving at Crystal Beach about 1:16 p. m. The DuBols shop band, will go along and will provide music for the dancers on the 'boat. Returning, the special train will leave Buffalo at 9 p. m.
Spirit 7/17/1916
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Society Holds Annual Festivities With Big Attendance
The annual celebration of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Society of Florence, took place Saturday and Sunday and although the weather of yesterday was not distinctly favorable to festivities of this kind, the function proved the greatest Sort of success.
On Saturday evening there was dancing, a band concert and general festivities.
Sunday morning the members of the society attended mass, marching to and from the church. During the afternoon Prof. Nicholas P. Sirrianni's band of Dayton gave a concert that was highly enjoyable. Prof. Slrianni, who is but 23 years of age, graduated from a conservatory of music in Italy when but 23 years of age. He has had the direction of the Dayton band for nearly three years and has succeeded in making that band one of the finest in this section. His cornet solo yesterday afternoon was highly enjoyed and repeated encores were demanded. At the conclusion of the solo he was presented with a gold medal by the society. Charles J. Margiotti, of this city, made the speech of presentation.
The fireworks of last evening were exceptionally fine. They had been slightly dampened by the rain and a few pieces were spoiled but the display was, nevertheless, one worth traveling far to see.
The very best or order was maintained.
Spirit 7/26/1916
The Citizens' Band will give a concert and dance tomorrow evening. The concert, which will 'begin at 7:46 o'clock, will be given from the band' stand in the public park. The dance, beginning at 9 o'clock, is to be held at the Jefferson Park. The last dance given by the band at the Jefferson Park proved an exceptionally delightful affair and tomorrow evening's dance will doubtless be even more so.
Spirit 7/27/1916
The concert and dance to be given by the Citizens' Band this evening will prove a welcome diversion for the music lovers and the dance devotees of the town. The concert will begin at 7:46 o'clock. At 9 o'clock a special car will carry the band and the dancer* to Jefferson Park, where a dance will be held in the pavilion until midnight. About 20 pieces of the band will furnish the music for the dancing.
Spirit 7/29/1916
A number of the members of the Citizens Band left this morning for McGees Mills, where they will spend 10 days or two weeks In camp. They will be joined tomorrow and Monday brother members of the band.
Spirit 8/1/1916
Only Dozen Members in Camp Now, More are Expected Wednesday - Friends Welcome.
The boys of the Punxs'y band are thoroughly enjoying their camp life at Mills on the Susquehanna river. At the present time there are but a dozen of the musicians in camp but it is probable that the remaining members of the organization will join their brothers on Wednesday.
The camp is called ‘No Kicks Go’ and it is just that. Open house is kept at all times and friends of the boys are gladly welcome.
Breakfast is served at 7:15 a.m., dinner at 12:30 p.m. and supper at 6:60 p.m. Everybody is welcomed at any and all of the spreads.
Last evening a number of Pumxs'y folks visited the boys at the camp and enjoyed a feed in addition to an evening filled with various sorts and degrees of pleasure.
Spirit, 7/2/1917
Nine Italian and Polish Societies Will Take part Headed by Adrian Band.
The big parade on July 4 will move west from the Pennsylvania passenger station at 11 a.m., with Governor Brumbaugh, and the members of the reception committee leading. The parade will be made up as follows:
- Governor. Automobile escort and mounted police
- Grand Army veterans in automoviles.
- Citizens Band
- Co. M., 18th Reg't N. G. P.
- Eldred Glass Co. workers.
- Wightman Glass Co workers
- Adrian band
- ...